As green gave way to orange and red, here in downtown Seattle, the wide variety of plants within The Spheres just began to bloom. Our horticulture team has been hard at work this year making sure the plants stay happy and healthy as they move from The Greenhouse in Woodinville, WA to The Spheres.
There has been a lot of progress since the planting of our first tree within The Spheres in May. Now that we are a few months away from the opening of The Spheres, we're excited show you some of the exciting features and the thinking behind this innovative, one-of-a-kind project. Meet Amazon horticulturist Ben Eiben as he discusses biophilia – the hypothesis that humans have an innate urge to connect with nature – an idea that greatly inspired the initial concept of The Spheres.
Studies suggest that spaces that embrace biophilic design can inspire creativity and even improve brain function. With thousands of plants in a variety of natural spaces, The Spheres will provide an immersive and interesting experience to Amazonians and visitors.
To learn more about the plants and installations coming to The Spheres, check out on Instagram.