We often hear from customers about how Amazon Devices and Services make a difference in their lives, and this story is especially meaningful. Jeff sent us a note about his 90-year-old father, Dan, who found Alexa while helping his wife as she experienced vision loss. An engineer with a penchant for technology, Dan soon discovered many ways Alexa could help aging adults—and he quickly got to work.
An image of an adult son standing between his mother and father in their home.Dan with his wife and son, Jeff.
Read more from Jeff about his father in his own words:
“I felt compelled to reach out to you about my dad, who last year celebrated his 90th birthday. I would love to recognize him as a champion of Alexa.
“As a lifelong engineer, my dad has always been fascinated with new technologies, and how they improve and solve life problems. For example, we were the first family on the block to own a computer in the 1980s. My dad has always been a tech enthusiast. Even when he stopped working and had open heart surgery, he didn’t lose his engagement, curiosity, or zest for life. He’s always worked to tackle technical questions and problems.
“In his mid-80s, my dad learned about Alexa and recognized how useful she could be for the aging community. At that time, he began using an Echo device and testing it in his own home. He helped my 85-year-old mother learn how to use Alexa after she became visually impaired. Now, my mom can easily call friends and family on her own.
“About two years ago, he gave a live presentation for 60-70 members of his senior living community with demonstrations of smart home technology, like Alexa, and how she can make it easier to complete some of the tasks and challenges they may face each day, like setting medication reminders, turning the lights on and off, and asking for the weather. That was the start of numerous presentations he’s done since (pre-COVID) to help them learn about the benefits of various technologies.
“At age 90, my father is incredibly sharp, and candid, yet visionary to all the possibilities. I’d like to think that the Alexa team might learn from him. While he is not a ‘developer’ by the typical definition, he has been a champion of Alexa, and I would love to see him recognized. He pushes his community to continue learning and using tech to help them maintain their independence. And I am proud of him.”
Dan, we see you, and we are grateful for your eagerness to learn and teach how Alexa can support independence. Thank you for championing technology, including Alexa, to help your community. We have certainly learned a lot from you.
Learn more about Alexa, Alexa Accessibility, and new features like Care Hub that can help families support and look after their aging loved ones remotely.
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