Amazon started as a bookstore, and taking care of authors is at the heart of our company. We’re committed to supporting independent authors by helping them find readers and grow their revenues with services like Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). KDP enables authors to self-publish and distribute their books to millions of readers around the world, and earn up to 70% of every sale in royalties.
Amazon Publishing is a leading trade publisher of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books with a mission to empower outstanding storytellers and connect them with readers worldwide. We publish emerging, bestselling and critically-acclaimed authors in digital, print, and audio formats. With Amazon’s drive for innovation and passion for books, we merge technology and art to support our authors and help their stories change the world.
For authors around the world, sharing their story with readers is a lifelong dream. In 2007, Amazon launched KDP to make it easier for authors to fulfill that dream. KDP offers a free, easy, and fast way to self-publish eBooks and paperbacks. With KDP, the power of publishing is accessible to authors worldwide, allowing a more robust and diverse set of voices to share stories with a wider audience than ever before.
Since 2009, Amazon Literary Partnership has provided more than $15 million to organizations across the country that empower writers to create, publish, learn, teach, experiment, and thrive. At Amazon, we believe in the power of words to transform lives and we are honored to be able to support the writing community.
How Amazon's self-publishing service has empowered authors and diversified publishing
Over the last 15 years, Kindle Direct Publishing has democratized the publishing industry and given readers access to a greater variety of stories from self-published authors. Learn more about the service and its impact.