Last Friday we had our first ever ‘Bring Your Parents to Work Day’ here at Amazon and I had the opportunity to meet many of you throughout the day. Some of you call Seattle home and were just visiting for a few hours, others flew in for a long weekend from around the US, and at least one family made a special trip to Seattle all the way from India.
“Today was like Disneyland,” I overheard one of you say. “I love the energy and I get why my daughter loves it here.”
Throughout the day, many parents thanked me and my fellow Amazonians for hosting this event. Let me assure you, the pleasure was all ours. We truly enjoyed meeting each and every one of you, and most importantly, are glad you got to spend some quality time with your children here at Amazon. The joy of sharing our accomplishments with our parents is always special.
For those of you who were not able to attend, check out the video above for a behind-the-scenes look at our first ever Parents’ Day.