Determining a career path can be a daunting decision for anyone at any age. Amazon has partnered with Gallup to create the Careers of the Future Index (CFI) to help young adults choose their best career. The CFI combines the most recent career-level data on income, job growth and demand, and resistance to automation, to convey the economic strengths and weaknesses of various career paths and highlight careers that both pay well and are likely to be available to applicants now and in the future.
The CFI report and free, interactive database is for students, parents, school counselors, and anyone curious about exploring viable job opportunities. The CFI scores all 529 occupations used by the U.S. Census Bureau to classify work, with higher scores generally indicating higher pay, a high and growing number of job openings, and/or better prospects that the job will remain a viable option in the face of technological advances. The CFI is the first comprehensive career tool to include a career’s capacity to withstand automation, and the first to provide users with context on racial and gender proportionality—diversity statistics detailing how representative those employed in a given area are in relation to the U.S. population.
Amazon Future Engineer, our global philanthropic computer-science education program, commissioned the CFI to provide young adults and their advisers with transparent and data-driven guidance about the economic prospects of jobs in the U.S.
"Millions of American students face two important decisions every year: What career do they want to pursue, and what's the best way to get there? Grappling with an abundance of available career paths, students can use this data-driven tool to make the best possible career decision—one that provides them satisfaction, job security, and longevity," said Victor Reinoso, global director of philanthropic education initiatives at Amazon. "Young adults are overlooking promising career options. While some jobs might be popular now, they might not be in-demand in a decade, or they could be highly disrupted by new emerging technologies. Our goal is to provide students and career counselors across the country with a way to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing labor market."
The CFI findings offer new insights to educators and industry stakeholders seeking to help equip students from all backgrounds with the tools they will need to obtain jobs of the future, while successfully navigating a challenging economic climate. Here are three top takeaways from the CFI:

Page overview

Students overlook many viable career pathways

Students overlook many viable career pathways
Many fairly high-scoring careers are not dependent on a bachelor’s degree
American Indian, Black, and Hispanic workers are underrepresented in high-scoring careers, but have moved closer to parity
Students overlook many viable career pathways
A man is sitting at his desk, his coworker is standing next to him, reviewing content on his desktop computer.

More than one-in-five 15-year-olds (22%) in the U.S. could not name a career when asked what job they expect to have by age 30, according to Gallup analysis of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data. The results vary based on gender—male students are more likely than female students to not know what career they want (28% versus 15%, respectively). Additionally, 35% of 15-year-olds pick a career that falls below the top 20% of jobs (sorted by CFI score), like athlete or actor, while overlooking higher-scoring careers. Among the career pathways with the largest gap between career popularity and quality/economic viability are those in management, computers and mathematical occupations, and science. Many careers in these categories have shown steady growth, rank highly in terms of income, and are resistant to automation. The CFI can provide students access to key information about the wide range of jobs that are accessible in the U.S., and what different fields are expected to be needed.

Many fairly high-scoring careers are not dependent on a bachelor’s degree

While workers’ levels of education are highly correlated with the CFI, many high-scoring CFI occupations are accessible to students without a bachelor’s degree. Similarly, many top-scoring occupations are accessible without an advanced degree. However, even one-to-two years of postsecondary education predicts a substantial increase in the CFI score for one’s job. The mean CFI score for works with a professional graduate degree (ex. M.D. or law degree) is 88.8, and it is 84.6 for those with a non-medical doctorate (Ph.D.) Meanwhile those with a high school diploma or lower levels of education are in jobs that average 35.9 on the CFI.

American Indian, Black, and Hispanic workers are underrepresented in high-scoring careers, but have moved closer to parity
A photo of a man and woman standing in front of a white board discussing content written on the board. They are in a conference room where there are two additional people writing notes.

While diversification of the workforce parallels the increased diversity in the country as a whole over this period, the data reveals that high-scoring CFI careers (those scoring 80 or above on the CFI)have generally diversified at a faster rate than low-scoring CFI careers. Moreover, men are slightly overrepresented among top-scoring jobs, whereas women are slightly underrepresented. Within top-scoring jobs, Black, Hispanic, and White workers have moved closer to parity, meaning their share of jobs in top-scoring careers more closely matches their share of all jobs in 2021 than it did in 2010. This is especially pronounced for Hispanic workers, who gained 12 percentage points. By contrast, American Indian, Asian, and multiracial/other racial groups have moved further from parity.

A photo of two students sitting at a desk in front of two laptops, listening to an instructor.
Amazon to fund access to computer science education for more than 2 million U.S. students

Hear from some of the individuals behind our operations who have pursued technical careers in areas like robotics and manufacturing, and the paths they took to get there.

Providing young people early access to information about the full range of careers in the U.S. will help introduce students to a wide range of possibilities most would otherwise not consider. Amazon is committed to helping students explore career pathways and skillsets to help them build their best future, no matter where it might lead.
Explore our interactive resource to learn more about the Careers of the Future Index.