Note: All content and information in this article are for information purposes only. Consult a medical professional prior to starting new skincare regimens.
I am Melis del Rey, general manager of U.S. Amazon Stores, Beauty & Beauty Technology, and I had the pleasure to sit down with one of the most influential names in skincare, Dr. Barbara Sturm. From skincare to running a business, we talked about a range of topics. Join the conversation below, and then get Dr. Sturm’s top five tips for summer skincare:

del Rey: What is it like being both a medical practitioner and a business owner?
Dr. Sturm: As a doctor, hearing “you changed my skin” is what gets me out of bed in the morning. My passion to invent new solutions for patients has driven my scientific work for the last two decades. As a leader, I am a whirling dervish of change. That is probably a combination of exciting and impossible for the amazing people who work with me, but as a team, we’re committed to making the best skincare in the world.
del Rey: As a practitioner,it must be very rewarding to be able to help your patients. But with your skincare range, you can extend this help to millions. I would like to start by saying we are delighted to offer Dr. Barbara Sturm to our customers. Can you tell why you chose to sell your brand in Luxury Stores at Amazon?
Dr. Sturm: An important part of my work is to ensure my products are easily accessible. Luxury Stores at Amazon gives me the opportunity to make the STURMGLOW and my anti-inflammatory philosophy available to our customers where they are already shopping.
del Rey: We know that inflammation is the body's immune system's response, but how is it linked to skin conditions? Can you explain your view on the connection between inflammation and acne or other skincare concerns?
Dr. Sturm: Inflammation is the primary cause of skin disease and dysfunction, from hyperpigmentation and premature aging to eczema and acne, and everything in between. Inflammation is the bane of overall wellness. Acute inflammation is triggered by irritants such as UV radiation, pollution, allergens, radiation, perfumes, aggressive skincare ingredients and harsh treatments, smoking, drinking, and pro-inflammatory foods.
Dr. Barbara Sturm skincare products.
The ingredient science in my Molecular Cosmetics collection works to combat inflammation-mediated oxidation and to provide protection of skin barrier function, hydration, nutrition, and healing.
del Rey: The science of ingredients can be indeed very powerful. I am using your Exoso-Metic Face Serum at the moment, and my skin has never looked better. You just launched a brand-new line in Luxury Stores at Amazon. Let’s talk a little bit about that?
Dr. Sturm: My Microbiotic Collection is a skincare regimen designed for the next generation that focuses specifically on bringing a healthier balance to teenage and young adult skin. As an aesthetics doctor, I see girls as young as late teens coming in wanting quick fix solutions to acne scars and even preventative Botox. So, I started a virtual education series aimed at teens and young adults called Skin School to teach this generation about the science of their skin. But I also realized that they needed skincare solutions. Thus, the Microbiotic Collection was born.
Dr. Barbara Sturm skincare products are on display next to flowers.
del Rey: Can you describe your Microbiotic line in one word?
Dr. Sturm: Balance.
del Rey: You have a very busy work pace, and as you say, balance is important. What keeps Dr. Sturm balanced? Is there anything you are into right now?
Dr. Sturm: Adopting an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is critical to keeping inflammation at bay. Part of that is movement. My daughter Charly introduced me to Bryony Deery’s Pilates method and now I love her. I follow classes online, and it’s a great and relaxing way to keep fit and flexible.
del Rey: Thanks so much for sitting down with me, Dr. Sturm.
Dr. Barbara Sturm’s Microbiotic Collection is now available in Luxury Stores at Amazon.
Here are five tips from Dr. Sturm on how to take care of your skin this summer.

1. It’s all about balance.

The biggest misconception is that you need be aggressive rather than nurturing toward your skin, irrespective of any skin condition. Acne-prone skin does not need to be dried out or treated harshly—it needs hydration and gentle healing. The goal of skincare should be to soothe and reduce inflammation, not cause it. Quick-fix topical acids or aggressive lasers destroy healthy skin cells. Skincare should never cause any discomfort. The idea that you should “feel the burn” to get results is a dangerous myth in the beauty and skincare community. The burn is a sign of injury, not efficacy.

2. Find your routine.

For acne-prone skin, I suggest my Microbiotic Collection, which includes the Gentle Cleansing Balm, Hydrating Blemish Control HA Serum, and Balancing Face Cream. They should be used in this order daily, and then add in the Stinky Pimple Treatment as needed for blemishes.
Skincare products smeared on a flat surface.

3. Use the right products for the season.

During warmer months, I like to switch to lighter-textured products rather than heavy creams like my Face Cream Light. I like to keep my Hyaluronic Serum in the fridge, so when I apply it first thing in the morning or after spending time out in the heat, it wakes up my skin with a refreshing burst of cooling hydration. The Good C Vitamin C Serum can be used to help combat hyperpigmentation and should be applied before your sunscreen.

4. Don’t skimp on the moisture.

Every day, after sun exposure, I’ll also apply my Face Mask and leave it on for 30 minutes. It’s a must-have for soothing redness and irritation, and drenches the skin with much-needed moisture.

5. Believe that healthy skin does not need makeup.

I learned from my mom at a young age that healthy, hydrated skin doesn’t require makeup and is beautiful on its own. And that is a central premise of my skincare line—and my personal approach as a doctor.