We are constantly innovating to ensure that we are helping our employees, customers, and communities as effectively as possible.
This effort hasn't gone unnoticed from people around the world who are writing every day to express their gratitude for those shipping and delivering critical items like personal hygiene supplies and groceries.
Here are some of the messages people have sent to Amazon employees:
  • Hi Amazon, I just want to say a huge thank you to you and our local delivery station in Bournemouth! My husband broke his ankle on Saturday and I was able to get him a waterproof cast cover and shower stool with next day delivery! You've literally been lifesavers, at this really stressful time! Thanks so much x - UK
  • "Gotta give a shout out to @amazon for the continued diligence in shipping packages. In isolation and quarantine, it's a little slice of normal I'm grateful for." - North America
  • "これらは忙しいと激動の時代であることを知っている。しかし、これらの時代の中、Amazonは暖かさを顧客とやり取りします。もちろん、今後私はさらにAmazonを使用するつもりです" Translation: "I know these are busy and tumultuous times. And yet amid these times, Amazon interacts with their customers with warmth, as one may expect. Of course, going forward I intend on using Amazon even more." - Japan
  • "My Amazon Fresh delivery guy was amazing and super sweet! I'm completely reliant on delivery services, along with the rest of the country. Thank you! #ThanksForDelivering" – North America
  • "Gracias también a vosotros y a todos los trabajadores de empresas que venden por Interner y el personal que realiza los envíos. Sois un alivio en estos tiempos difíciles." Translation "Thanks also to you and to all the workers of companies that sell through Internet and the personnel who make the shipments. You are a relief in these difficult times." – Spain
  • "Je remercie la réactivité du service d'Amazone et de l'intérêt qu'il porte à la satisfaction de ses clients.|En ces temps difficiles je remercie tout le personnel d'Amazone personnel de bureau et livreur pour le dévouement dont ils font preuve." Translation: "I thank the responsiveness of Amazon's service and the interest it takes in the satisfaction of its customers. In these difficult times I thank all Amazon's office and delivery staff for dedication they show." – France
  • "@amazon I just wanted to say a big thank you! I have gotten so much need supplies during this time from you guys! So thank you to all your hard working employees! Thank you for taking time away from your families to help other people." – North America
  • “@amazon thanks to your workers for keeping critical supplies shipping to those who don't have local access to them or the ability to go out and get them.”– North America
  • "La differenza molto spesso la fanno le persone. La sua premura (al di là della gentilezza e dell'indubbia competenza), magari sarà pure una linea guida di Amazon, ma è qualcosa che lei veramente porta con sé. In un periodo dove si ha particolarmente bisogno di qualcuno che sappia prendersi cura, anche il suo lavoro (soprattutto il modo in cui lo svolge) contiene qualcosa di prezioso. Grazie ancora." Translation: "People often make the difference. Take care of me (beyond kindness and undoubted competence), maybe it's an Amazon guideline, but it is something that she really has. At a time in which we need someone who knows how to take care is particularly needed, her work (especially the way she does it) contains something precious. Thanks again." – Italy
  • "Hey @amazon - amazing service! Thank you to all the workers, drivers for all your efforts. I know it’s been a rough few weeks but our deliveries have been spot on!!! Keep up the great work!!! Stay safe!" – North America
  • "Just want to add or say thank you to all Amazon workers for continuing to work and to help customers and to get our packages out during these hard times every one is experiencing lately." – North America