We're committed to supporting those in immediate need by using Amazon's teams, infrastructure, and technology when natural disasters strike.
Customers who would like to help those affected by Hurricane Florence have several options:

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The American Red Cross and Feeding America need your help

The American Red Cross and Feeding America need your help
Ask Alexa
Donate items to Feeding America
Donate items to the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross and Feeding America need your help

Donate cash to the American Red Cross and Feeding America using Amazon Pay.
Donate now

Ask Alexa

Customers can say “Alexa, donate to Hurricane Florence disaster relief” and make a donation directly to the American Red Cross.

Donate items to Feeding America

Donate essentials from Feeding America’s Wish List.
Donate from the Feeding America Wish List

Donate items to the American Red Cross

Donate essentials from the American Red Cross Wish List
[Update: This link has been disabled due to the success of the Wish List campaign and the generosity of our customers. Thank you!]

Here’s how Amazon is helping out. Amazon has deployed more than 20 trucks with more than 400,000 Amazon-donated disaster relief items, including bottles of water, food, supplies for children in shelters, and other essential items for those affected by Hurricane Florence. Additionally, thousands of Amazon customers have donated items to the American Red Cross and Feeding America through their Wish Lists. Our teams across nearly 50 Fulfillment Centers remain on standby and more Amazon inventory is ready to be deployed if needed.
Since the hurricane made landfill, more than 100 employees have volunteered to support the American Red Cross’ virtual emergency call centers.
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